Monday, May 26, 2008

Three Kings (1999)

It's kind of an odd experience watching a movie about the first Gulf War as we're locked indefinitely into the second. It's even more so when said film mixes equal parts warfare and comedy - two elements most people would probably not put in the same sentence. But maybe it's this "road less traveled" approach that makes David O. Russell's Three Kings such a success. You've not seen anything quite like it before, and probably won't again for a very long time.

The story focuses around four soldiers (George Clooney, Mark Wahlberg, Ice Cube and Spike Jonze) taking an excursion to one of Saddam Hussein's hidden bunkers to steal his already-stolen Kuwaiti bullion ("You mean them little cubes you put in hot water to make soup?" asks Jonze's hillbilly character, Conrad Vig). But along the way, they are forced into the conflict between the rebels and Saddam's loyalist soldiers, and a mission motivated solely by greed becomes helmed by a different phenomenon - conscience.

The dialogue between the four soldiers, along with the kooky side mission involving journalist Adriana Cruz (a "five-time Emmy runner up") provide an interesting touch. You'll laugh in places you'd never think possible. But at the same time, the serious undertones of war are ever present to remind us that it's not all fun and games. This balance creates one of the most unique movie-going experiences you'll ever see, and a truly enjoyable film.

3 stars out of 4

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