Friday, June 6, 2008

The Big Lebowski (1998)

You'd be hard-pressed to find a Coen Brothers flick people can't enjoy on some level. Sure, not every film of theirs is a Fargo or No Country for Old Men. But even their offbeat, goofball experiments like Raising Arizona - and who can forget O Brother, Where Art Thou? - demand respect for extending the boundaries of what can be funny. The Big Lebowski is somewhere in the middle. With a plot so simplistic that even its own characters could figure it out halfway through, it's more a collection of hilarious bits than a coherent movie. Those bits come largely thanks to the hilarious chemistry between Jeff Bridges (as The Dude) and John Goodman, his pal Walter. Above all, you have to admire the way the Coens tie everyone and everything in to keep us interested. We'd rarely care whether a guy gets revenge after his rug gets peed on, but in The Big Lebowski, we'll pay attention.

2.5 stars out of 4

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